Percentage Yield

Percentage Yield = | Actual Yield Theoretical Yield | x 100%

Percentage Purity

Percentage Purity = | Pure Impure | x 100%

Dilution Formula

C i V i = C f V f

Ci = Initial Concentration

Vi = Initial Volume

Cf = Final Concentration

Vf = Final Volume


- log H +

H+ = Concentration of Hydrogen Ions


- log OH -

H+ = Concentration of Hydroxide Ions

Rate Law

Zero Order

Rate = k

Integrated Zero Order

[A] = - kt + [A] o

First Order

Rate = k[A]

Integrated First Order

ln[A] = - kt + ln[A] o

Second Order

Rate = k [A] 2

Integrated Second Order

1 / [A] = kt + 1 / [A] o

Ideal Gas Law

PV = nRT

P = Pressure (atm, kPa, ton)

V = Volume

n = Mole (mol)

R = Gas Constant

T = Temperature in Kelvin (K)